Physical activity should be the primary intervention for individuals living with chronic pain A position paper from the European Pain Federation (EFIC) 'On the Move' Task Force

Henrik Bjarke Vaegter*, Marja Kinnunen, Jonas Verbrugghe, Caitriona Cunningham, Mira Meeus, Susan Armijo-Olivo, Thomas Bandholm, Brona M Fullen, Harriet Wittink, Bart Morlion, Michiel F Reneman

*Corresponding author voor dit werk

OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

1 Citaat (Scopus)
30 Downloads (Pure)


BACKGROUND: There is clear evidence demonstrating the benefits of physical activity (PA) on pain and overall health, however, PA is challenging for many individuals living with chronic pain. Even non-exercise specialists can (cost) effectively promote PA, but many health professionals report a number of barriers in providing guidance on PA, suggesting that it is not consistently promoted. This expert position paper summarizes the evidence and provides five recommendations for health professionals to assess, advise and support individuals living with any chronic pain condition with a long life expectancy in adopting and sustaining physically active lifestyles.

METHODS: This position paper was prepared by the 'On The Move' Task Force of the European Pain Federation EFIC. Final recommendations were endorsed by the European Pain Forum, Pain Alliance Europe and the Executive Board of EFIC.

RESULTS: We recommend that all health professionals (1) Take a history of the persons' PA levels, and put PA on the agenda, (2) Advise that PA is important and safe for individuals living with chronic pain, (3) Deliver a brief PA intervention and support individuals living with chronic pain in becoming physically active, (4) Discuss acceptable levels of PA-related soreness and pain and (5) Provide ongoing support in staying physically active.

SIGNIFICANCE: Physical activity is safe and offers several advantages, including general health benefits, low risk of side effects, low cost and not requiring access to healthcare. Adoption of these recommendations can improve the quality of care and life of individuals living with chronic pain and reduce their overall health risks.

Originele taal-2English
Pagina's (van-tot)1249-1256
Aantal pagina's8
TijdschriftEuropean Journal of Pain
Nummer van het tijdschrift8
Vroegere onlinedatum4-mei-2024
StatusPublished - sep.-2024


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