Place Branding and Strategic Spatial Planning Instrument

Eduardo da Silva Oliveira


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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to bring two literatures into dialogue. The first, is the place
    branding literature that aims to assert the diversity and complexity of places in pursuit of various
    economic, political or socio-psychological objectives. The second, is the strategic spatial planning
    literature, that focus on place qualities and assets (e.g. social, cultural). Therefore, it re-examines the
    process of a place branding strategy, by highlighting the importance of strategic thinking in place
    competitiveness and non-linear regional development (i.e. explaining what strategic planning is, the role
    in discontinued trajectories of progress in regions, and as a response about how to go further).
    Strategic frameworks and visions for regional development, with an emphasis on the place assets and
    strengths, will provide the basis for a branding strategy. The link between place branding and strategic
    planning will determine the step forward for the theoretical debate, in both fields, by showing that doing
    marketing and branding, with particular elements of strategic planning, is possible and recommended (e.g.
    by convincing the stakeholders that new policies and territorial interventions are necessary).
    Design/methodology/approach – The paper draws on place branding theory to point out the gap in the
    literature explaining the role of strategic spatial planning on branding regions. The analytic framework
    will be constructed by taking the Northwest region of Portugal as a case study. The region has a potential
    to develop a strategy capable of moving decisively beyond the crisis and create the conditions to be more
    competitive. Our argument, and contribution to the enrichment of the literature, is that a place branding
    strategy could stimulate a new regional dynamic, consolidate the practice of spatial planning, embrace the
    place complexity and uncertainty, and reshape the response to contemporary economic and social

    Findings – Theoretical developments in social marketing, non-profit marketing and specially, place
    marketing, contributed to a greater interaction between place branding and strategic planning. Places,
    often adopt strategic policies to try face economic and political challenges and in an effort to rebuild
    awareness. The starting point is place branding theory as an instrument of spatial planning and place
    management in order to understand the common ground as well as the role in branding regions.

    Originality/value – The concept of place branding is well documented in the literature, but its application
    in Portugal is relatively new.
    Originele taal-2English
    StatusPublished - 14-feb.-2013


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