Practice effects on low intensity synchronous handcycling in able-bodied men: A biophysical approach

Cassandra Kraaijenbrink, Riemer Vegter, Alexander H R Hensen, Heiko Wagner, L. H. V. van der Woude



The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of short practice on the physiology and biomechanics of low-intensity synchronous handcycling. Twelve non-disabled participants handcycled on a motorized treadmill at 1.94 m/s. The practice program consisted of a pre-test, three practice sessions and a post-test. All sessions were 12 minutes long. A breath-by-breath gas analyzer measured physiological parameters. The 3D force components as well as the crank and handle angle were measured at the left side by an instrumented handcycle and fraction of effective force was calculated. Practice effects on neither the physiological parameters, the mean force components nor the fraction of effective force were found, indication no learning took place in this small amount of practice.
Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's1
StatusPublished - dec.-2018
Evenement6Th State-of-the-art Congress ‘Rehabilitation: mobility, exercise & sports: RehabMove 2018 - Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands
Duur: 12-dec.-201814-dec.-2018


Conference6Th State-of-the-art Congress ‘Rehabilitation: mobility, exercise & sports
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