Preliminary Analysis of the National Drought Plans

Daniel Tsegai, Stephen Adaawen, Felix Girault

    Onderzoeksoutput: ReportProfessional

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    Drought affects all parts of our society, from food production to public health. This has informed the growing need to help Parties, communities, agriculture, businesses, and individuals threatened by drought to plan accordingly. More than 70 countries are participating in the Drought Initiative, adopted at the 13th Conference of Parties (COP 13) which took place in Ordos, China. These countries are currently going through the process of enhancing national drought preparedness and planning. This paper is the first attempt to analyse and learn from the first batch of about 35 National Drought Plans which have been completed and endorsed by the countries. Preliminary analysis of the drought plans indicates that drought impacts are more pronounced on water resources and agriculture. Generally, drought risk reduction at the country level is mostly reactive. Countries also recognize the gendered differentiation of drought impacts on women, men, and children. Much more importantly, the need for drought impact mitigation and policy to focus more on protecting women and young people as the most vulnerable sections of society is highlighted. Effective monitoring, forecasting, and impact mitigation for enhanced drought resilience are also widely emphasized across the NDPs. Gender mainstreaming and meaningful participation in planning and implementation for drought mitigation strategies, the need for adequate technology, policy framework, and expertise for effective drought monitoring and early warning, as well as cross-sectoral coordination, were also enumerated by countries.
    Originele taal-2English
    UitgeverijUnited nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
    Opdrachtgevend orgaanUnited Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD)
    Aantal pagina's38
    StatusPublished - 23-feb.-2022


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