Proximal Humerus

    OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review


    This chapter describes the bony structures of the proximal humerus.
    The proximal humerus is often regarded as consisting of four
    parts, which assists in understanding function and, more specially,
    describes the essential parts in reconstruction after fracture or in
    joint replacement. These are the humeral head, the lesser and greater
    tuberosity and the humeral shaft. As the gleno-humeral joint has
    a large arc of motion but minimal osseous stability, the capsular,
    ligamentous restraints and dynamic muscular stabilisers are critical
    to maintain stability. The humeral head is well vascularised, but
    prone to avascular necrosis following a fracture.
    Originele taal-2English
    TitelNormal and pathological anatomy of the shoulder
    RedacteurenGregory Bain, Eiji Itoi, Giovanni Di Giacomo, Hiroyuki Sugaya
    Aantal pagina's6
    ISBN van elektronische versie9783662457191
    ISBN van geprinte versie9783662457184
    StatusPublished - 2015


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