Qualitative content analysis as a research method to investigate hazards information in school textbooks

Hamed Seddighi Khavidak*, Sepideh Yousefzadeh Faal Daghati, Monica Lopez Lopez

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OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

2 Citaten (Scopus)
224 Downloads (Pure)


This study explains how qualitative content analysis was applied to investigate natural hazards in textbooks for children with intellectual disabilities in Iran. Qualitative content analysis of textbooks is one of the ways for understanding the priorities of Iranian education system with regard to natural hazards. Data samples included whole textbooks for children with intellectual disabilities in all grades during school year 2020-2021 in Iran. Data were collected by transferring textbooks to MAXQDA 2018 software and coding themes with the software. A narrative format was used for analyzing qualitative data. Examples were presented along with tables and quotations in the study. Peer checking and expert check were employed to ensure trustworthiness of the study. The above research design showed the strengths and weaknesses of information provided in Iranian textbooks on natural hazards and disasters management. Iran is a disaster-prone country and various natural hazards happen in Iran every year including earthquake, flood, drought, and extreme weather. Children are a vulnerable population in disasters. One of the most important issues for children's health is disaster preparedness. Intersection of age with other social determinants such as disability, gender, and ethnicity can increase vulnerability.

Originele taal-2English
StatusPublished - 2021


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