Reflex sympathetic dystrophy of the upper extremity - a 5.5-year follow-up - Part I. Impairments and perceived disability

JHB Geertzen*, PU Dijkstra, JW Groothoff, HJ ten Duis, WH Eisma

*Corresponding author voor dit werk

OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

52 Citaten (Scopus)


The aim of this retrospective and long-term follow-up study was to identify impairments resulting from reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) of the upper extremity and to analyze the relationship between impairment and disability in RSD patients.

The study group consisted of a referred sample of 65 RSD patients, with clinical signs in the upper extremity. RSD developed after fractures of the wrist or hand in 29 patients or after a carpal tunnel release in 9 patients. The mean interval between the RSD diagnosis and our evaluation was 5.5 (3-9) years (SD = 0.8). The main outcome measurements were the impairments assessed by standard physical examination. ADL and pain were quantified with a visual analogue scale (VAS). Pain was evaluated immediately before and after the physical examination and the perceived pain was determined in the week before the examination.

Significant differences in impairments were found between the affected and the unaffected sides (p <0.05). According to the AMA-guides, the impairments did not lead to disabilities. Significant correlations were found between VAS-ADL and VAS-pain in the last week prior to evaluation and full fist grip-strength. Pain seems to be the most disabling effect.

Originele taal-2English
Pagina's (van-tot)12 - 18
Aantal pagina's7
Nummer van het tijdschriftSuppl. 279
StatusPublished - apr.-1998


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