Relatively Consistent Effects of Canagliflozin (CANA) on Outcomes Regardless of Baseline HbA1c in the CANagliflozin CardioVascular Assessment Study (CANVAS) Program

Julio Rosenstock, Ganapathi Bantwal, John P. Wilding, Richard Dumas, Guillermo Gonzalez-Galvez, April Slee, Frank Vercruysse, Kenneth W. Mahaffey, Dick de Zeeuw, Gregory Fulcher, David R. Matthews

Onderzoeksoutput: Meeting AbstractAcademic

Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's3
StatusPublished - 1-jul.-2018
Evenement78th Scientific Sessions of the American-Diabetes-Association - Orlando
Duur: 22-jun.-201826-jun.-2018

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