Signatures for short-range correlations in O-16 observed in the reaction O-16(e,e ' pp)C-14

CJG Onderwater*, K Allaart, EC Aschenauer, TS Bauer, DJ Boersma, E Cisbani, WH Dickhoff, S Frullani, F Garibaldi, WJW Geurts, C Giusti, DL Groep, WHA Hesselink, M Iodice, E Jans, N Kalantar-Nayestanaki, WJ Kasdorp, C Kormanyos, L Lapikas, JJ van LeeuweR De Leo, A Misiejuk, H Muther, FD Pacati, AR Pellegrino, R Perrino, R Starink, M Steenbakkers, G van der Steenhoven, JJM Steijger, MA van Uden, GM Urciuoli, LB Weinstein, HW Willering

*Corresponding author voor dit werk

    Onderzoeksoutput: ArticleAcademicpeer review


    The reaction O-16(e,e'pp)C-14 has been studied at a transferred four-momentum (omega,\q\) = (210 MeV, 300 MeV/c). The differential cross sections for the transitions to the ground state and the lowest excited states in C-14 were determined as a function of the momentum of the recoiling C-14 nucleus and the angle between the momentum of the proton emitted in the forward direction and the momentum transfer q. A comparison of the data to the results of calculations, performed with a microscopic model, shows clear signatures for short-range correlations in the O-16 ground state.

    Originele taal-2English
    Pagina's (van-tot)2213-2216
    Aantal pagina's4
    TijdschriftPhysical Review Letters
    Nummer van het tijdschrift11
    StatusPublished - 14-sep.-1998


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