Simulation and gaming as a support tool for lean manufacturing systems - a case example from industry

D. J. van der Zee*, J. Slomp

*Corresponding author voor dit werk

    OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

    14 Citaten (Scopus)
    13 Downloads (Pure)


    In this article we illustrate how simulation and gaming can be used to support lean manufacturing systems. More in particular we study a case example from industry - a manual assembly line for mail-inserting systems - for which we have developed a simulation game. This paper focuses on the development steps of the simulation game. The objective of the game is to support the introduction of lean principles in an existing assembly line. The simulation game can be used to demonstrate applicability of a lean control concept at the assembly line and to train workers to make appropriate control decisions within this concept. In this paper, we indicate a definite need for the development of this game. The systematic way in which it is developed, the use of a general simulation language in the design phase, and its usefulness may stimulate the introduction of simulation games in more industrial settings.

    Originele taal-2English
    TitelProceedings of the 2005 Winter Simulation Conference, Vols 1-4
    RedacteurenM.E. Kuhl, N.M. Steiger, F.B. Armstrong, J. Joines
    Plaats van productieNew York
    Aantal pagina's10
    ISBN van geprinte versie0-7803-9519-0
    StatusPublished - 2005
    Evenement2005 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 05) -
    Duur: 4-dec.-20057-dec.-2005


    Other2005 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC 05)


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