Social participation and employment status after kidney transplantation: A systematic review

Sijrike F. van der Mei*, Boudien Krol, Willem J. van Son, Paul E. de Jong, Johan W. Groothoff, Wim J. A. van den Heuvel

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Onderzoeksoutputpeer review

47 Citaten (Scopus)
468 Downloads (Pure)


Objective: To summarize and assess literature regarding social participation of recipients after successful kidney transplantation.Methods: A systematic review including a literature search in Medline (1980-2003) and five other databases, and assessment of methodological quality of selected studies by two reviewers applying a checklist of twelve criteria. Results: Seventeen studies out of 1443 identified references were selected. Quality scores for internal validity ranged from 0% to 50% (median 20%). Employment was the most used indicator of social participation and two studies briefly reported on vacation and recreation. Employment rate ranged from 18% to 82%, however differences in defining categories of employment or lack of description were present. Study populations were heterogeneous with regard to demographic and clinical characteristics. Three studies identified pre-transplant employment status as predictor of post-transplant employment. Other potential risk factors were not consistent across studies. Conclusion: Measurement of social participation focuses mainly on employment status. Quality assessment revealed shortcomings in reporting and validity of studies, whereby valid conclusions regarding the degree of social participation after kidney transplantation cannot be drawn. Future research should supplement the focus on employment status by examining other aspects of social participation as well as potential risk factors.

Originele taal-2English
Pagina's (van-tot)979-994
Aantal pagina's16
TijdschriftQuality of Life Research
Nummer van het tijdschrift6
StatusPublished - aug.-2006


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