Synopsis of Learning Sessions on Sustainable and Area-based Energy Landscapes


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This document contains the synopsis of activities and outcomes of Work Package 4 of INTENSSS-PA. It describes the methods and approach that were used, and it presents two main building blocks that constituted the experiential learning related to Integrated Sustainable Energy Planning (ISEP).

The dynamic development of the project demanded a fair degree of flexibility of all partners, also those who were involved in organizing and capturing the learning experiences. The initial project approach, and the revised logic behind WP4, are described in section 2. Here we justify why we had to deviate from the initial approach, and how we ensured that we would nevertheless deliver the agreed outcomes.
Then we continue by providing a brief overview of the learning experiences that took place within the Regional Living Labs (RLL’s) of INTENSSS-PA. In section 3 we present the first Building Block, which mainly relates to the content of the planning activities in the RLL’s. In section 4 we present the second Building Block, which mainly relates to the RLL approach as a process and what one can learn and earn from working in this way.

The brief overview of the results was presented to the project partners during the final partner meeting of the project in Regione Calabria on June 28 2018. Here the project partners acknowledged the validity of the findings we presented. Therefore, we are confident to state that the results in this report are supported by the people who ran the RLL’s.

Per sub-topic we have distilled a ‘key learning’. These key learnings can help INTENSSS-PA project partners to take their future ventures further, and support colleagues who are interested in working with a Regional Living Lab approach. Furthermore, other professionals and organizations can use these learnings to improve their projects or their regular everyday work.

All in all, this document provides insights into how to run a Regional Living Lab for Integrated Sustainable Energy Planning. It shows what one can learn from this, and how one can capture this experiential learning. We hope that professionals and organizations in other (national) contexts will benefit from the experiences from INTENSSS-PA.
Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's25
StatusPublished - jul.-2018


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