The CCAT-Prime Submillimeter Observatory

Manuel Aravena, Jason Austermann, Kaustuv Basu, Nicholas Battaglia, Benjamin Beringue, Frank Bertoldi, J. Richard Bond, Patrick Breysse, Ricardo Bustos, Scott Chapman, Steve Choi, Dongwoo Chung, Nicholas Cothard, Bradley Dober, Cody Duell, Shannon Duff, Rolando Dunner, Jens Erler, Michel Fich, Laura FisselSimon Foreman, Patricio Gallardo, Jiansong Gao, Riccardo Giovanelli, Urs Graf, Martha Haynes, Terry Herter, Gene Hilton, Renee Hlozek, Johannes Hubmayr, Doug Johnstone, Laura Keating, Eiichiro Komatsu, Benjamin Magnelli, Phil Mauskopf, Jeffrey McMahon, P. Daniel Meerburg, Joel Meyers, Norm Murray, Michael Niemack, Thomas Nikola, Michael Nolta, Stephen Parshley, Roberto Puddu, Dominik Riechers, Erik Rosolowsky, Sara Simon, Gordon Stacey, Jason Stevens, Juergen Stutzki, Alexander Van Engelen, Eve Vavagiakis, Marco Viero, Michael Vissers, Samantha Walker, Bugao Zou

Onderzoeksoutput: VoordrukAcademic


The Cerro Chajnantor Atacama Telescope-prime (CCAT-prime) is a new 6-m, off-axis, low-emissivity, large field-of-view submillimeter telescope scheduled for first light in the last quarter of 2021. In summary, (a) CCAT-prime uniquely combines a large field-of-view (up to 8-deg), low emissivity telescope (< 2%) and excellent atmospheric transmission (5600-m site) to achieve unprecedented survey capability in the submillimeter. (b) Over five years, CCAT-prime first generation science will address the physics of star formation, galaxy evolution, and galaxy cluster formation; probe the re-ionization of the Universe; improve constraints on new particle species; and provide for improved removal of dust foregrounds to aid the search for primordial gravitational waves. (c) The Observatory is being built with non-federal funds (~ \$40M in private and international investments). Public funding is needed for instrumentation (~ \$8M) and operations (\$1-2M/yr). In return, the community will be able to participate in survey planning and gain access to curated data sets. (d) For second generation science, CCAT-prime will be uniquely positioned to contribute high-frequency capabilities to the next generation of CMB surveys in partnership with the CMB-S4 and/or the Simons Observatory projects or revolutionize wide-field, sub-millimetter line intensity mapping surveys.
Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's17
StatusSubmitted - 5-sep.-2019


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