The He-4(e,e ' p) cross section at large missing energy

JJ van Leeuwe*, HP Blok, JFJ van den Brand, HJ Bulten, GE Dodge, R Ent, WHA Hesselink, E Jans, WJ Kasdorp, JM Laget, L Lapikas, CJG Onderwater, AR Pellegrino, CM Spaltro, JJM Steijger, JA Templon, O Unal

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OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review


The (e,e'p) reaction on He-4 nuclei was studied in kinematics designed to emphasize effects of nuclear short-range correlations. The measured cross sections display a peak in the kinematical regions where two-nucleon processes are expected to dominate. Theoretical models incorporating short-range correlation effects agree reasonably with the data.

Originele taal-2English
Pagina's (van-tot)593C-596C
Aantal pagina's4
TijdschriftNuclear Physics A
StatusPublished - 2-mrt.-1998
EvenementXVth International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics (Few-Body XV) - , Netherlands
Duur: 22-jul.-199726-jul.-1997


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