The Holiest Grail

OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review


I will discuss to what degree the cosmic microwave background (CMB) can be used to constrain primordial non-Gaussianity involving one tensor and two scalar fluctuations, focusing on the correlation of one B-mode polarization fluctuation with two temperature fluctuations (BTT). In the simplest models of inflation, the tensor-scalar-scalar primordial bispectrum is non-vanishing and is of the same order in slow-roll parameters as the scalar-scalar-scalar bis-pectrum. I will show that constraints from an experiment like CMB-Stage IV using this observable are more than an order of magnitude better than those on the same primordial coupling obtained from temperature measurements alone. I will argue that B-mode non-Gaussianity
opens up an as-yet-unexplored window into the early Universe, demonstrating that significant information on primordial physics remains to be harvested from CMB anisotropies. Specifically, if we measure any appreciable level of BTT correlation in the sky, its source is most likely not from inflation and as such can be used to directly test the inflationary paradigm.
Originele taal-2English
TitelProceedings of the 51st RENCONTRES DE MORIOND
Aantal pagina's4
ISBN van geprinte versie979-10-968-7901-4
StatusPublished - 2016
Extern gepubliceerdJa


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