The implementation of Article 31 of the Treaty on European Union and the use of Qualified Majority Voting: Towards a more effective Common Foreign and Security Policy?

Ramses A. Wessel*, Viktor Szép

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    This study has been commissioned by the European Parliament’s
    Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs
    at the request of the AFCO Committee. It analyses the
    possibilities and challenges regarding unanimity and qualified
    majority voting as well as the use of passerelle clauses in EU
    decision-making, with a special focus on the use of qualified
    majority voting in the European Union’s Common Foreign and
    Security Policy.
    Originele taal-2English
    Plaats van productieBrussels
    UitgeverijEuropean Parliament
    Opdrachtgevend orgaanAFCO Committee
    Aantal pagina's97
    StatusPublished - 24-nov.-2022


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