The influence of alcohol on L1 vs. L2 pronunciation

Martijn Wieling, Gerwin Blankevoort, Vera Hukker, Jidde Jacobi, Lisanne Jong, de, Stefanie Keulen, Masha Medvedeva, Mara Ploeg, van der, Anna Pot, Teja Rebernik, Pauline Veenstra, Aude Noiray

OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

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In this study, we investigated the influence of alcohol intake on pronunciation in both a native and a non-native language. At a Dutch music festival, we recorded the speech of 87 participants in Dutch (native language) and English (non-native language) when reading a few sentences in both languages. The recorded audio samples were judged by 108 sober native Dutch speakers in a perception
experiment at the same festival. Participants were asked to judge how clear the Dutch pronunciations of a random selection of speakers were and how
native-like the English pronunciations were. The results, analysed using generalized additive modelling (which is able to identify non-linear
relationships), indicated a small linear negative relationship between alcohol intake and clarity of Dutch speech. For English there was no effect of
alcohol intake on the native-likeness of the English pronunciations.
Originele taal-2English
TitelProceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019
Plaats van productieMelbourne
UitgeverijAustralasian Speech Science and Technology Association Inc.
Aantal pagina's5
ISBN van elektronische versie978-0-646-80069-1
StatusPublished - 4-aug.-2019


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