The Pristine survey VI. The first three years of medium-resolution follow-up spectroscopy of Pristine EMP star candidates

David S. Aguado*, Kris Youakim, Jonay I. Gonzalez Hernandez, Carlos Allende Prieto, Else Starkenburg, Nicolas Martin, Piercarlo Bonifacio, Anke Arentsen, Elisabetta Caffau, Luis Peralta de Arriba, Federico Sestito, Rafael Garcia-Diaz, Nicholas Fantin, Vanessa Hill, Pascale Jablonca, Farbod Jahandar, Collin Kielty, Nicolas Longeard, Romain Lucchesi, Ruben Sanchez-JanssenYeisson Osorio, Pedro A. Palicio, Eline Tolstoy, Thomas G. Wilson, Patrick Cote, Georges Kordopatis, Carmela Lardo, Julio F. Navarro, Guillaume F. Thomas, Kim Venn

*Corresponding author voor dit werk

OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

56 Citaten (Scopus)
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We present the results of a 3-yr long, medium-resolution spectroscopic campaign aimed at identifying very metal -poor stars from candidates selected with the CaHK, metallicitysensitive Pristine survey. The catalogue consists of a total of 1007 stars, and includes 146 rediscoveries of metal-poor stars already presented in previous surveys, 707 new very metal poor stars with [Fe/H] <-2.0, and 95 new extremely metal-poor stars with [Fe/H] <-3.0. We provide a spectroscopic [Fe/H] for every star in the catalogue, and [C/Fe] measurements for a subset of the stars (10 per cent with [Fe/H] <-3 and 24 per cent with -3 <[Fe/H] <-2) for which a carbon determination is possible, contingent mainly on the carbon abundance, effective temperature and signal-to-noise ratio of the stellar spectra. We find an average carbon enhancement fraction ([C/Fe] >= +0.7) of 41 +/- 4 per cent for stars with -3 <[Fe/H] <-2 and 58 +/- 14 per cent for stars with [Fe/H] <-3, and report updated success rates for the Pristine survey of 56 per cent and 23 per cent to recover stars with [Fe/H] <-2.5 and <-3, respectively. Finally, we discuss the current status of the survey and its preparation for providing targets to upcoming multi -object spectroscopic surveys such as William Herschel Telescope Enhanced Area Velocity Explorer.

Originele taal-2English
Pagina's (van-tot)2241-2253
Aantal pagina's13
TijdschriftMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Nummer van het tijdschrift2
StatusPublished - dec.-2019


Duik in de onderzoeksthema's van 'The Pristine survey VI. The first three years of medium-resolution follow-up spectroscopy of Pristine EMP star candidates'. Samen vormen ze een unieke vingerafdruk.
  • Spectroscopy of Pristine EMP star candidates

    Aguado, D. S. (Creator), Youakim, K. (Creator), Gonzalez Hernandez, J. I. (Contributor), Allende Prieto, C. (Contributor), Starkenburg, E. (Creator), Martin, N. (Creator), Bonifacio, P. (Creator), Arentsen, A. (Creator), Caffau, E. (Creator), Peralta De Arriba, L. (Creator), Sestito, F. (Creator), Garcia-Dias, R. (Creator), Fantin, N. (Creator), Hill, V. (Creator), Jablonca, P. (Creator), Jahandar, F. (Creator), Kielty, C. (Creator), Longeard, N. (Creator), Lucchesi, R. (Creator), Sánchez-Janssen, R. (Contributor), Osorio, Y. (Creator), Palicio, P. A. (Creator), Tolstoy, E. (Creator), Wilson, T. G. (Creator), Cote, P. (Contributor), Kordopatis, G. (Creator), Lardo, C. (Creator), Navarro, J. F. (Creator), Thomas, G. F. (Creator) & Venn, K. A. (Creator), Centre de Donnees Strasbourg (CDS), 21-mrt.-2023


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