The utility of urine sodium–guided diuresis during acute decompensated heart failure

Hasan K. Siddiqi*, Zachary L. Cox, Lynne W. Stevenson, Kevin Damman, Jozine M. ter Maaten, Brian Bales, Jin H. Han, Juan B. Ivey-Miranda, Jo Ann Lindenfeld, Karen F. Miller, Henry Ooi, Veena S. Rao, Kelly Schlendorf, Alan B. Storrow, Ryan Walsh, Jesse Wrenn, Jeffrey M. Testani, Sean P. Collins

*Corresponding author voor dit werk

Onderzoeksoutputpeer review

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Diuresis to achieve decongestion is a central aim of therapy in patients hospitalized for acute decompensated heart failure (ADHF). While multiple approaches have been tried to achieve adequate decongestion rapidly while minimizing adverse effects, no single diuretic strategy has shown superiority, and there is a paucity of data and guidelines to utilize in making these decisions. Observational cohort studies have shown associations between urine sodium excretion and outcomes after hospitalization for ADHF. Urine chemistries (urine sodium ± urine creatinine) may guide diuretic titration during ADHF, and multiple randomized clinical trials have been designed to compare a strategy of urine chemistry–guided diuresis to usual care. This review will summarize current literature for diuretic monitoring and titration strategies, outline evidence gaps, and describe the recently completed and ongoing clinical trials to address these gaps in patients with ADHF with a particular focus on the utility of urine sodium–guided strategies.

Originele taal-2English
Pagina's (van-tot)1161-1173
Aantal pagina's13
TijdschriftHeart failure reviews
StatusPublished - nov.-2024


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