Theories and stories in African public administration

Josephat Itika, J. de Ridder, A. Tollenaar


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    Public administration in developing countries is administration in transformation. The main concepts that guide this transformation are universal. Yet those concepts are most often presented in Western literature, embedded in Western administrative practice. This book provides an overview of these main concepts seen from a different angle: an African perspective. The general concepts of the study of public administration and public management are illustrated with sub-Saharan African stories, written by Tanzanian scholars. This introductory book can be used to learn and to teach the basic concepts of public administration and public management and aims to prepare the students for the administrative realities they face in their society.
    Originele taal-2English
    Plaats van productieLeiden
    UitgeverijAfrican Studies Centre
    Aantal pagina's208
    ISBN van geprinte versie9789054481041
    StatusPublished - 2011


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