Therapeutic potential of deep brain stimulation of the nucleus accumbens in morbid obesity

D L Marinus Oterdoom, Gertjan van Dijk, Martijn H P Verhagen, V Carel R Jiawan, Gea Drost, Marloes Emous, André P van Beek, J Marc C van Dijk

OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

12 Citaten (Scopus)
31 Downloads (Pure)


OBJECTIVE Morbid obesity is a growing problem worldwide. The current treatment options have limitations regarding effectiveness and complication rates. New treatment modalities are therefore warranted. One of the options is deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the nucleus accumbens (NAC). This review aims to summarize the current knowledge on NAC-DBS for the treatment of morbid obesity.

METHODS Studies were obtained from multiple electronic bibliographic databases, supplemented with searches of reference lists. All animal and human studies reporting on the effects of NAC-DBS on body weight in morbidly obese patients were included. Articles found during the search were screened by 2 reviewers, and when deemed applicable, the relevant data were extracted.

RESULTS Five relevant animal experimental papers were identified, pointing toward a beneficial effect of high-frequency stimulation of the lateral shell of the NAC. Three human case reports show a beneficial effect of NAC-DBS on body weight in morbidly obese patients.

CONCLUSIONS The available literature supports NAC-DBS to treat morbid obesity. The number of well-conducted animal studies, however, is very limited. Also, the optimal anatomical position of the DBS electrode within the NAC, as well as the optimal stimulation parameters, has not yet been established. These matters need to be addressed before this strategy can be considered for human clinical trials.

Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's9
TijdschriftNeurosurgical focus
Nummer van het tijdschrift2
StatusPublished - aug.-2018


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