Towards the Clinical Implementation of Pencil Beam Scanned Proton Therapy (PBS-PT) for Thoracic Indications: A Comprehensive 4D Robustness Evaluation Based on Patient and Machine Specific Information

C. O. Ribeiro, S. Visser, A. Meijers, E. W. Korevaar, R. Wijsman, C. Muijs, S. Both, J. A. Langendijk, A. Knopf


    Originele taal-2English
    Pagina's (van-tot)E754-E755
    Aantal pagina's2
    TijdschriftInternational Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics
    Nummer van het tijdschrift1
    StatusPublished - 1-sep.-2019
    Evenement61st Annual Meeting of the American-Society-for-Radiation-Oncology (ASTRO) - Chicago, Israel
    Duur: 15-sep.-201918-sep.-2019

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