Trace formula for a dielectric microdisk with a point scatterer

Robert F.M. Hales, Martin Sieber, Holger Waalkens

    OnderzoeksoutputAcademicpeer review

    9 Citaten (Scopus)
    318 Downloads (Pure)


    Two-dimensional dielectric microcavities are of widespread use in microoptics applications. Recently, a trace formula has been established for dielectric cavities which relates their resonance spectrum to the periodic rays inside the cavity. In this paper, we extend this trace formula to a dielectric disk with a small scatterer. This system has been introduced for microlaser applications, because it has long-lived resonances with strongly directional far field. We show that its resonance spectrum contains signatures not only of periodic rays but also of diffractive rays that occur in Keller’s geometrical theory of diffraction. We compare our results with those for a closed cavity with Dirichlet boundary conditions.
    Originele taal-2English
    Aantal pagina's33
    TijdschriftJournal of physics a-Mathematical and theoretical
    Nummer van het tijdschrift15
    StatusPublished - 15-apr.-2011


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