Transform Domain Morphological Filters


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    In this thesis, we have studied the concept of mathematical morphology
    and morphological operators to devise new methods to recognise and
    reassemble paths and patterns through point-clouds. These are methods
    which act on the local or global shape-related properties of the
    components of an $n$-dimensional data set. These methods have been
    applied to the data generated by a simulator for a sub-atomic
    interaction detection system to reconstruct charged particle tracks
    travelling through the magnetic field in three-dimensions. We showed
    that application of morphological connected-filters in the
    transform-domain is a candidate solution to this challenging
    problem. We showed that by exclusively using the detectors' local data
    and geometry, a rough estimate of the paths in 3D could be made; those
    estimated paths could be used for online data reduction. Because of
    the simplicity and intuitiveness of the introduced method, it could be
    utilised on rather simple hardware or even on the readout system of
    the tracker. The hierarchical structuring of images could also be
    applied to the data in the transform-domain. The Max-Tree structure,
    was applied to the data in the transform-domain after-which a number
    of attributes were calculated for the tree nodes. Herewith, the effect
    of processing data in the transform-domain using morphological
    connected attribute-filters was explored. Specifically, we studied the
    context-based morphological filtering of data in the wavelet domain.
    Originele taal-2English
    KwalificatieDoctor of Philosophy
    Toekennende instantie
    • Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
    • Wilkinson, Michael, Supervisor
    • Stolk, Ronald, Supervisor
    • Petkov, Nicolai, Supervisor
    Datum van toekenning27-mrt.-2023
    Plaats van publicatie[Groningen]
    StatusPublished - 2023


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