Uncovering patterns of inhaler technique and reliever use: the value of objective, personalized data from a digital inhaler

Mark L. Levy*, Janwillem W.H. Kocks, Sinthia Bosnic-Anticevich, Guilherme Safioti, Michael Reich, Michael Depietro, Mario Castro, Nabeel Farooqui, Njira L. Lugogo, Randall Brown, Tanisha Hill, Thomas Li, Henry Chrystyn

*Corresponding author voor dit werk

Onderzoeksoutput: ArticleAcademicpeer review

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Electronic inhalers provide information about patterns of routine inhaler use. During a 12-week study, 360 asthma patients using albuterol Digihaler generated 53,083 inhaler events that were retrospectively analyzed. A total of 41,528 (78%) of the recorded inhalation events were suitable for flow analysis (having a PIF ≥ 18 L/min and <120 L/min). Median PIF, inhalation volume, inhalation duration, and time to PIF for these events steadily decreased between the first and last 10 days of the study, by 5.1%, 12.6%, 15.9%, and 6.4%, respectively. Continuous short-acting beta2-agonist (SABA) overuse, defined as ≥2 SABA inhalations/week throughout the study period, was seen in 29% (n = 104) of patients. Of 260 patients with ≥1 instance of acute short-term SABA overuse, 55 (21%) had a confirmed exacerbation. Electronic recording of real-life inhaler use can capture valuable, objective information that could inform disease management and clinical decision-making.

Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's11
Tijdschriftnpj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine
StatusPublished - dec.-2024


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