Usability and feasibility of the Test of Adherence to Inhalers (TAI) Toolkit in daily clinical practice: The BANANA study

Onderzoeksoutput: ArticleAcademicpeer review

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The Test of Adherence to Inhalers (TAI) Toolkit links an adherence measurement instrument (the TAI) to proven effective interventions for different causes of non-adherence to inhaled medication. This study aimed to assess the usability and feasibility of the TAI Toolkit in clinical practice. The TAI Toolkit was piloted in eight primary and secondary care settings. Each study site included 10 patients with asthma and/or COPD and suspected non-adherence. Healthcare professionals (HCPs) recorded clinical data and TAI Toolkit outcomes. Data on usability and feasibility were collected in semi-structured interviews and with the System Usability Score (SUS). Of the included patients, 81% were non-adherent, and sporadic non-adherence was the most common (69%). The TAI Toolkit was valued with a mean SUS-score of 85.9 by the HCPs. They found the toolkit to 'be visually attractive', 'easy-to-use' and 'give insight into patients' adherence', thereby offering good potential for its use in clinical practice.

Originele taal-2English
Aantal pagina's8
Tijdschriftnpj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine
StatusPublished - 28-mei-2024


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