We provided patients with patients oriented diagnosis and treatment advice from their lung assessments using an algorithm. It was feasible and in general well appreciated by our patients

Esther Metting, Joy Van Den Berg, Ellen Van Heijst, Janwillem Kocks, Thys Van Der Molen



Aim: We examined the feasibility of automatically providing patients with their medical results from a lung function assessment . Method: 46 patients (20% male, mean age 61[20-86] years, 4 1 % asthma, 30% COPD) awere included. GPs were asked to discuss the results with their patients 3 weeks after assessment. An algorithm was developed to automatically generate the results according to 3 formats. Patients received these formats 3 weeks after assessment. We examined patients opinion's, preferences and disease severity with an evaluation questionnaire (rating scales 1(poor) to 10(excellent)), the Asthma Control Questionnaire(ACQ) and the Clinical COPD Questionnaire(CCQ) using non-parametric tests. Results: 33 patients returned the questionnaires. 97%(n=31) would like to view their results again. The information caused some patients to feel anxious (18% (n=6)) which might have been caused by the fact that 46%(n=15) of the patients were not informed about the results by their GP. Uncontrolled asthmatics (ACQ>1.5) were less likely to adhere to the provided advices (uncontrolled:n=5,mean 2.50, controlled:n=14,mean 3.00, MWU:p=0.02). Conclusion: Automatically providing results from lung function tests is feasible and well appreciated by patients. However, the results should first be discussed with the patient by a professional. (Figure presented).
Originele taal-2English
TijdschriftEuropean Respiratory Journal
Nummer van het tijdschriftSupplement 60
StatusPublished - 1-sep.-2016


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